Services & Facilities

Smallwood Library offers a wide variety of services and features:


Smallwood Library users have access to over 100,000 publications across the HeLM Network.  We also hold a collection of fiction titles available to read at your leisure. Items can even be sent to your workplace. Visit the Library Catalogue to reserve or renew items. 

Should you require a book not held within HeLM, we can usually source it for you from the British Library. BL loans require a payment of £20.

If you have a title you would like to recommend for us to include in our collection, let us know.


Access to thousands of online journals are provided through the Knowledge and Library Hub. Access is using your NHS OpenAthens account (see below to sign up for an account if you don’t already have one).

Article Requests

If you want a journal article that isn’t available to you online, we can usually source it for you. Just email us at

Literature Searches

Smallwood Library can carry out literature searches on your behalf, where you will be able to select the articles you need from a list of abstracts. We also offer assisted searches, where you sit with us while we conduct the search with you (this is a requirement for college/university assignment searches). Submit your search by email to


Search a variety of leading healthcare and management databases using your OpenAthens account from the Knowledge and Library Hub.


An NHS OpenAthens account allows you to access a variety of online services such as health databases, e-journals and Oxford Handbooks. You can renew or create an account at the NICE Evidence website.


Our targeted current awareness service tracks down the latest guidelines, official publications and research so that receive regular, personalised updates in your areas of interest, or a list of articles from the latest issue of your favourite journal. Your profile can be created to be as broad as you need or to focus on more specific topics – whichever suits you 

Register with your OpenAthens account, complete the form on the intranet (temporarily unavailable) or request a paper form to receive your tailored bulletin.

Hot Desking

The Library oversees the hot desking facilities at Moseley Hall Hospital, consisting of six computers with Internet connection and MS Office, connected to a dedicated networked printer. The Hot Desking room is #119, opposite the lift on the first floor, Old Hall, Moseley Hall Hospital. There is also a single PC in the Library itself, which can be used by staff or patients.

Copying, Printing & Scanning

The Library has colour printing and copying facilities up to A3, along with the ability to scan documents as PDFs for emailing. Printing for work purposes is free.

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