
Our training supports evidence-based practice, CPD, appraisal, and revalidation. We run a series of scheduled sessions and offer tailored sessions to individuals, groups, or teams on a day and at a time of their choosing upon request. Sessions are conducted via MS Teams or face-to-face.

These free sessions are open to all staff of Birmingham Community Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust as well as students whilst on placement. Our skilled professionals also support assignments in a variety of areas ranging from completing a systematic review protocol to referencing.

You can secure a place on a session by emailing us at

Scheduled Courses

Writing for Publication

The session aims to support participants with the tools to write and submit for publication. It will cover important factors to consider for journal selection, the benefits of publishing, tips for planning your writing and creating a poster presentation.

  • Tuesday 17th June 2025, 10:30 – 12:00

Introduction to Literature Searching

This session aims to show participants how to carry out a simple search to find evidence in their area of interest using the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub and  how to develop more advanced search strategies using a variety of searching tips and techniques. It also includes time for hands-on practice and experimenting with searching in a supported environment.

  • Friday 6th December 2024, 09:30 – 11:30
  • Wednesday 16th April 2025, 09:30 – 11:30
  • Friday 5th December 2025, 09:30 – 11:30

Theory of Critical Appraisal

This session aims to help participants develop their ability to assess the quality of published evidence. It introduces the importance of critical appraisal, hierarchy of evidence, different types of research, statistical terminology. It goes through the questions in a Systematic Review Checklist and identifies other types of checklists for appraising papers.

For hand-on practice appraising a paper, contact the library for details of the next BCHC Journal club session.

  • Friday 22nd November 2024, 10:00 – 11:30
  • Tuesday 18th March 2025, 11:00 – 12:30
  • Thursday 20th November 2025, 10:00 – 11:30

Reflective Writing

This session aims to equip participants with the skills to complete their own pieces of written reflection. It covers how to record what you learn from events and experiences to support your revalidation or improve your practice.

  • Tuesday 11th February 2025, 10:30 – 12:00
  • Friday 18th July 2025, 10:30 – 12:00

Health Literacy

The session aims to introduce participants to the impact of poor health literacy on patient outcomes and equip them with tools and techniques to use in their practice to communicate health information effectively.

  • Monday 14th October 2024, 12:00 – 13:00
  • Thursday 23rd January 2025, 11:00 – 12:00
  • Monday 20th October 2025, 12:00 – 13:00

Return to Study

The session aims to equip participants with essential skills to support their return to study by discussing concepts such as essay writing, referencing, and time management.

  • Friday 16th May 2025, 10:00 – 11:00
  • Wednesday 17th September 2025, 09:30 – 10:30


Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare (HEE e-LfH) works in partnership with the NHS and professional bodies to support patient care by providing e-learning to educate and train the health and social care workforce. Access all Health Education England e-Learning for Healthcare programmes at There are also modules on how to search effectively for literature accessible at Login with your NHS OpenAthens account to ensure your learning activity is recorded.

Book Club

The Library runs a monthly Book Club, BCHCReads, on MS Teams in support of staff health and wellbeing. Everyone from BCHC is welcome to join our journey and rediscover the pleasure of reading. Every session focuses on a different book and you can come along as often as you’d like.

Journal Club

The Library helps with the facilitation of Journal Clubs, supports planning and critical appraisal training to finding papers to review. If your team has an existing Journal Club that would like our support, get in touch.

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